
Behind the Scenes

Proof God Has a Sense of Humor

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Take a look back at some of the highlights from the 'Lost Episodes' of PASTOR GREG.

Series Overview:
Greg was a playboy gambling drinking fool, living in the fast lane until God slammed on his brakes. Now Pastor Greg's life really starts with new friends, a new life, and a new beginning. In this family comedy, Greg is assigned to his first church, which is being run by the bossy secretary, the fussy business manager, the nervous youth pastor, and a maintenance man who's also the town mayor. Chaos breaks loose when they accidentally schedule a funeral, a wedding, and a children's play all in the same day. To top it off, Pastor Greg (who they haven't met yet) shows up a day early. More mayhem is waiting when he gets to the church, where the staff thinks he's a homeless guy who needs a handout.

Starring Greg Robbins, Shelby Young, Laura Romeo, Jim Young
Produced by Greg Robbins  Written by Greg Robbins  Directed by Greg Robbins

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Genre Comedy
Rentals Last 72 hours
Runtime 28:00